Thursday 28 October 2010

Being a reporter? Why not?

to be a reporter isn't as hard as it seems.the ninth graders of granada had prove it. as the example, on thursday, 28th, 2010 we were interviewing probably 5 teachers of Darul Abidin
 Islamic foundation. we have prepared at least 10 questions to interview them.

We've done it less than 30 mins! as te final results. We collected the pairs of our interviews we were going to create, biography of darbi's 5 famous people (Mrs. Yessy Yanita Sari, Mr. Hary Widi Asmoro, Mrs. Endah Tri Kusumawati, Mrs. Endang Yulasmanah, Mrs. Ainun Rokhmiatun and re-write it in Microsoft Office Word (with editing first, exactly) and print it out.

Finally, we gave it to Ibu. Nurul Badriyah for the scoring. Then you know what?? we got a good score for our interview-task and that sounds great for us, probably ... 
(Neysa Citra Insani - the ninth graders Student)

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